Who to Inform When Moving Home

Who to Inform When Moving Home

Are you wondering who to inform when moving home?

So, you’ve made the decision to relocate, it’s now time to inform everyone of your move!

But who should you notify about your relocation?

When you consider telling people about our house move, the first group who probably come to mind are your close friends and family.

However, there are many more people who will require this information.

This article will list all of the people you need to notify and will help you keep track of everything during the hectic time that is moving house!

To help make this as easy as possible we have split the task up into manageable groups.

Key Organisations/Services

  • The Council
  • DVLA
  • Update Passport 
  • Your Employer 
  • HMRC
  • National Insurance
  • Schools/Playgroups

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Provider
Inform your Healthcare Provider. Image credit: Unsplash
  • Doctor 
  • Dentist
  • National Blood Service

Insurance Providers

  • Car insurance/ breakdown coverage
  • House insurance
  • Private Healthcare Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Pet Insurance

Financial Institutions

You will have to inform your bank of your move. Image credit: Depositphotos
  • Banks
  • Credit cards / other credit providers
  • Building society
  • Savings
  • Shares & investments
  • Mortgage providers
  • Pension schemes

Other Things to Consider

Gym membership
If you have a gym membership they will need to be informed of your change of address. Image credit: Pixabay
  • Gym memberships
  • Mail order (Amazon etc) 
  • Store and loyalty cards (Clubcard, Nectar car etc)
  • Any holidays you may have booked
  • Charity subscriptions
  • Newspaper subscriptions

Ready to Start Your Move?

Pardy Truck in Sunshine
Pardy Truck in Sunshine

With this handy list, you now know who to inform when moving home.

By following the list you’ll have a much easier time going over every section without missing anyone.

Once you’ve identified all of the people and organisations to contact, you’ll need to contact one more: a removals company to assist with the move itself.

R.H Pardy Moving & Storage LTD are always happy to assist with your move in any way we can!

With years of experience moving individuals and families alike to locations throughout the UK, R.H Pardy Moving & Storage Limited can help you with every element of your move.

Our specialist team can guide you throughout every aspect of your relocation journey.

For added assurance, you will have the knowledge that you are dealing with a member of the British Association of Removers.

For more information about our removals services and to help with any questions you may have, be sure to give us a call today at 01202499390, or fill out our quick and easy contact form here.

A member of our team will be more than happy to help you answer your questions and get your move started in no time!